Electroactive materials for electrocatalysis
Shankara Water and Energy Solutions is a cutting-edge company that specializes in the development of cost-effective and eco-friendly electrocatalysts for use in anode or cathode materials for redox flow batteries, supercapacitors, and other secondary energy storage systems. Shankara’s innovative technology improves the performance and efficiency of these systems, making them more reliable and cost-effective for our customers.
Shankara’s team of experts have extensive experience in the energy storage industry and is dedicated to providing its customers with the highest quality products and services. The company uses advanced research and development techniques to create electrocatalysts that are specifically designed to meet the needs of its customers in the energy storage sector.
The company’s products are designed to help its customers reduce their energy costs, improve the efficiency of their energy storage systems, and minimize their environmental impact. The team at SWES is committed to providing its customers with the best possible solutions for their energy storage needs.
Investors and customers in the energy storage sector can trust Shankara Water and Energy Solutions to deliver innovative and cost-effective solutions that will help them meet their energy storage needs and achieve their business goals. We invite you to know more about SWES and products by visiting the website and contacting its technical team to discuss your energy storage needs.
Contact Us
Shankara Water & Energy Solution Pvt.Ltd. CIIRC - JIT Campus, Tathaguni,
Bangalore - 560082, Karnataka,India

+91 9739 315 239